In this episode of Defrag Tools, Sylvain Goyette joins Chad Beeder to talk about how to collect performance traces during Windows OOBE (Out of Box Experience).
(Sorry that Sylvain’s screen is somewhat hard to read; we had some technical issues with the screen capture session.)
Resources and related episodes:
Defrag Tools #154 – Memory Footprint and Leaks
Defrag Tools #155 – Boot Performance
Defrag Tools #156 – Critical Path Analysis with Windows Performance Analyzer
Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK)
[00:00] Welcome and introductions
[02:46] How to enable performance tracing during OOBE? Use autologgers (ETW tracing which starts automatically on boot).
[05:59] From the ADK’s Windows Assessment Console, package the Out of Box Experience Performance test as a standalone package. Then use the appropriate subfolder from the "Windows Core Assessments" folder
[06:47] Use either the "add_autologger.reg" or "add_autologger_timing.reg" depending on how much detail you need
[07:40] If you need to customize the trace by adding additional ETW providers: Use xperf to get the desired reg keys in place and regedit to see what they are. Then modify the .reg file.
[12:32] In some cases you might also remove providers if the default tracing is too heavy for a low-end system
[13:06] Copy the platform folder (i.e. amd64) to a USB key and put it on the machine you want to trace. Boot it into OOBE.
[14:29] In OOBE, press Shift+F10 to get a command console. Copy the test package onto the system, inject the .reg file, then reboot the system using "shutdown /r /t 0" to collect the trace starting from boot.
[16:55] Go through OOBE
[18:35] Use the "stop_autologger.cmd" command to stop the tracing when you want.
[19:35] Go back to the ADK and look at the trace results.
[25:03] Email us at
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